What clients say…

🎤 *hands over the mic* Read on (and hit play!) to hear some of my wonderful clients share with you their personal experiences and tangible results from our work together.

«This has been one of the most transformative sessions in my life.»

–Dominique Naser, an Entrepreneur and 3/5 Emotional Projector

💡 Dominique started with a Strategy Audit and then continued with a Capacity-focused Next Level.

🔎 Area of focus: Expanding capacity for the next level in her business and life


«I saw a difference in my business when it comes to profit, the way I’m working, and in my personal life.»

–Lissette Calveiro, NYC-based Content Creator, Consultant & Social Media Coach for Influencers

💡 Lissette started with a Capacity Intro and then continued with a Next Level.

🔎 Area of focus: Expanding capacity for the next level in her business & finances

Lucy, founder of Purely Being, shares a testimonial about her work with Nadia Gabrielle on strategy and capacity

«Working with Nadia is like having a cheerleader, guardian angel, and super savvy business coach all in one.»

— Lucy, founder of Purely Being

«I'm in awe of how much Nadia & I accomplished in such a short amount of time during our strategy session. As a projector and solopreneur, having a second set of eyes on my business is so valuable. Nadia is incredibly intuitive and arrived at our session with brilliant ideas, reflections, & solutions that quickly solved many of the most pressing pain points in my business.

I felt so supported & encouraged the whole time. Working with Nadia is like having a cheerleader, guardian angel, and super savvy business coach all in one. I'm super excited to organize my business in a way that truly aligns with my energy & gifts.»

💡 Lucy booked a Strategy Audit.

🔎 Area of focus: Optimising her current service blueprint to fit her goals and her design

«It’s been amazing and I needed it more than I thought I did.»

–Jennifer Graham, Holistic Life Coach & Mind Body Practitioner

💡 Jennifer has taken Service Design School

🔎 Areas of focus: Service design, crafting offers, business building


«I had tried pretty much everything prior to working with Nadia, but with Nadia I can feel the shift in a really big way after only four sessions.»

–Caitlin, Artist & Sacral Generator in New Hampshire, USA

💡 Caitlin began with a Capacity Intro and then continued with a Next Level.

🔎 Areas of focus: Stage fright & performance anxiety, body image, self love, nutrition & movement, financial capacity

«Every day, I get more out of Service Design. It really has lasting effects that continue.»

–Jackie Nonweiler, Holistic Psychologist & Founder of Santuari

💡 Jackie has taken Service Design School

🔎 Areas of focus: Service design, crafting offers, business building


«When Nadia launched Service Design School, I signed up right away!»

–Leslie Sara Collins, Founder of Wholeheartedbeing

💡 Leslie has taken Service Design School and has also worked with me 1:1 on capacity.

🔎 Areas of focus: Service design, crafting offers, business building, capacity

«I have thoroughly loved Service Design School. It gave me freedom and permission to be me in my business. It helped me align with my desires in my business so I could create a service that not just my clients love, but that I love selling.»

–April, Singapore-based Mindset Coach

💡 April has taken Service Design School and has also worked with me 1:1 on capacity.

🔎 Areas of focus: Service Design, crafting service offers


«It’s wild, the value you get in Service Design School!»

–Christine Dominique

💡 Christine has taken Service Design School and has also worked with me 1:1 on capacity.

🔎 Areas of focus: Service design, crafting offers, business building, capacity


«I felt things open, and shifts being made, and the opportunity for my capacity to take on more. […] It was the most important aspect of my growth.»
–Naomi Nakamura, Bay area-based coach

💡 Naomi has taken Service Design School

🔎 Areas of focus: Service design, crafting offers, design thinking, building capacity


🇩🇪 «Mein Hauptthema, mit dem ich zu Nadia gekommen bin – sichtbar werden in der Selbstständigkeit – hat sich zu 180 Grad gewendet.»

–Natalie, Ayurveda Beraterin in Deutschland

💡 Natalie started with a Capacity Intro and then continued with a Next Level.

🔎 Areas of focus: Building capacity for entrepreneurship, visibility, saying no


Find hundreds more testimonials & client messages on Instagram.